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ARINC 801 Termini


ARINC 801 Termini



XiOptics offers our proprietary NXTCore terminus for use in any ARINC801 connection system.  NXTCore is available in a pull proof configuration for loose structured cable.  A non-pull proof configuration for tight structured cable.  A specialized 900 micron variant for customer’s using cables without strength members or secondary jacketing.  Finally, XiOptics NXTCore product is available as the only flight qualified ARINC801 Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) solution.  If you can image an configuration, it is likely XiOptics has it in-stock and ready to ship.

NXTCore is uniquely different than other manufacturer’s ARINC801 termini in that it includes the following features:

  1. Hex registry tuning: this feature enable the terminus to be adjusted at the factory or in the field to reduce the losses due to fiber/core eccentricity.  This is particularly important for single mode physical contact and angled contact optical fiber interconnections.
  2. The terminus registry boss is removed from the “sliding” ferrule holder and robustly placed on the outside of the terminus front body.  This prevents sliding friction effects to the interface spring pressure. provides a high performance discrete fiber optical terminus solution that is packaged into many industry standard connector formats. The terminus is fully compliant to the ARINC 801 standard. NXTCore products deliver ease of service and maintainability found only in the latest optical interconnect solutions.

NXTCore is the only terminus on the market providing these features while remaining 100% compliant to the ARINC801 specification.  NXTCore is inter-matable and inter-operable with any other manufacturer’s termini.  The product has been tested with single mode, multi mode and plastic optical fiber for reliable operation in harsh avionics environments.

NXTCore uses industry standard 1.25mm zirconia ceramic ferrules with 0.5 micron tolerances.  Looser multi-mode ferrules are not utilized, hence superior random mate performance is possible. XiOptics offers our ARINC801 products with ferrule thru hole diameters ranging from 125.0 microns up to 650 microns.  POF termini are available to operate with 1.0mm media.  POF termini utilize stainless steel ferrules with a diameter of 1.58mm.  Termination instructions are available and typically end product meets the endface requirements of the latest industry standards such as Telcordia Core-GR-326 or ARINC documents.

Our ARINC801 terminus function in perfect harmony with our unique LCe Small Form Factor LC connector adapter as well as in any commercially available ARINC801 rectangular or circular connector.


Connector Applications: LCe


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Features and Benefits

Features and Benefits:
• Unique integrated fiber/cable crimp section ensures reliable field operation of the terminus as cable loads are not carried by sensitive optical components.
• Field proven, industry standard size retention system provides simplicity and reliability to couple optical termini within connector products with a rear insertion/release capability.
• Proprietary hex register tuning delivers most stable and lowest possible insertion losses of any ARINC 801 compliant terminus.
• Available in a large array of connector configurations from simplex/duplex LC styles, circular MIL-C-38999, D-Subminiature, and rectangular ARINC products.
• 1.25mm precision zirconia ceramic ferrule available with a broad range of ferrule hole sizes from 80 to 650 microns. • Suitable for multi-mode and single-mode applications. PC, UPC and APC end face geometry capable.
• 1 dB maximum loss Plastic Optical Fiber variant available.

Product Drawings

Pull Proof ARINC 801 Terminus Drawing
Non Pull Proof ARINC 801 Terminus Drawing
900 Micron Non Pull Proof ARINC 801 Terminus Drawing
Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) ARINC 801 Terminus Drawing

Termination Instructions

NXTCore ARINC801 Termination Instructions

Specifications / Test Reports

Our ARINC 801 termini conform to the Aeronautical Radio Incorporated Specification 801.

NXTCore ARINC801 Terminus Qualification Test Plan